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Letter from the President 

Dear all


It is my pleasure to present you with the latest issue of our SALA online. I admit that it took a little longer to produce this issue. However, as you will soon read, this delay is due to our other NMV activities. These have kept us busy and we have not been able to do everything at the same time.


The past months have been an eventful time for the NMV. In particular, we were able to resume our Guiding Workshops in 2022 and finish them in 2023. Here I would like to thank the organizers of the English, French and Japanese Guiding Workshops 2022/2023. Thanks to these activities we have been able to increase the number of active guides in all four NMV languages. These 'newcomers' have brought with them not only the will to get involved in this complex matter but also unusual and interesting ideas on how to approach our task.

At the upcoming Annual Reception, which we have planned for the 20th of November 2023, all new guides will, in good NMV tradition, receive their badges.


The cooperation with the museum management is excellent. This has led to us being asked by the management to provide NMV guides for special events. Recently, our guides guided the ambassadors accredited in Bangkok, who had been invited by the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In an unusual and elaborate action, we also guided, also organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, participants of the APEC Conference, which recently took place in Bangkok. And a few days ago there were more than 300 Korean students, who were attended by us during two days. Finally, we had the honour of accompanying the Thai Minister of Culture, who visited the Museum together with the Apostolic Nuncio accredited in Bangkok, and to present the museum to these illustrious guests. At the Museum Nights 2023, we were present, due to a request of the museum, with an NMV booth and short guided tours. We would like to thank the museum management for the trust they have placed in our NMV guides.


Of course, in addition to the above-mentioned activities, the 'normal' guiding on Wednesdays and Thursdays, which is offered in English, French, German, and Japanese, is also running. The popular NMV Treasures Hunts for younger teens can be booked again upon request from schools.


I wish you a wonderful summer wherever you are and look forward to meeting you in person at the Museum from time to time. Don't forget to visit the two excellent special exhibitions ( And please note the date of this year's Annual Reception, 20 November 2023.


All the best, Peter


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